Tuesday, November 4, 2014


When a molecule absorbs visible or ultraviolet energy, an electron or electrons will be raised to a higher energy level if the energy requirement for that transition is equal to the energy of the incoming photon. The electrons is the inner shells of atom and those that are shared by two adjacent atoms not affected to the same degree by incoming radiation as those that can’t be localized within the molecule. Electrons of the latter type give rise to spectra in the UV and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Saturated double bond will not absorb ultraviolet energy. Presence of chromophore is essential in a saturated compound for absorption of radiations at UV and visible regions. Presence of auxochrome cause a bathochromic shift i.e. absorption maxima shifts to longer wave length.

In this way electromagnetic waves are absorbed by a compound which can be determined by the spectrophotometer and thus qualitative and quantitative of compound can be done.        

Types of transition states

According to the molecular orbital theory when a molecule in excited by the absorption of energy (UV or Visible light), its electrons are promoted from a bonding to an anti-bonding orbital. The energy required for various transitions obey the following order: ----------
A transition in which a bonding ( electron is excited to an anti-bonding ( orbital is referred to as
transition. It is a high energy processes because of ( bonds are generally very strong. In organic compounds, all the valence shell electrons are involved in the formation of sigma bonds resulting do not show absorption in the normal ultra-violet region (180 – 400nm). For saturated hydrocarbons, like methane (CH4) absorption occurs near 150nm (high energy). Consider ( ( (* transition in a saturated hydrocarbon: -   
The excitation of sigma bond electron to (* (anti-bonding) level occurs with net retention of electronic spin. It is called excited singlet state which may in turn gets converted to excited triplet state.

n ( (*: This type of transition takes place in saturated compounds containing one hetero atom with unshared pair of electrons (n electrons). Such transitions require comparatively less energy than that required for ( ( (* transitions. In saturated alkyl halides, the energy required for such a transition decreases with the increase in the size of the halogen atom (or decrease in the electronegativity of the atom.)   
For n ( (* transition in methyl chloride and methyl iodide. The absorption maximum for methyl chloride is 172 – 175nm whereas methyl iodide is 258nm because the electronegativity of chlorine is greater than iodide. Thus the excitation of chlorine atom is comparatively difficult than iodide. On the otherhand methyl iodide has higher molar extinction coefficient than methyl chloride.

n ( (* transitions are very sensitive to hydrogen bonding. Alcohols as well as amines form hydrogen bonding with the solvent molecules due to the presence of non bonding electrons on the hetero atom and thus transition requires greater energy.   

( ( (*: This type of transition occurs in the unsaturated centers of the molecule; i.e. in compounds containing double or triple bonds and also in aromatics. The excitation of ( electron requires smaller energy and hence transition of this type occurs at longer wavelength. An ( electron of a double bond is excited to (* orbital. Consider ( ( (* transition in an alkene: -   
This transition requires still lesser energy as compared to n ( (* transition and therefore, absorption occurs at longer wavelengths. Absorption usually occurs within the region of ordinary ultra-violet spectrophotometer. In unconjugated alkenes, absorption bands appear around 170 – 190nm. In carbonyl compounds, the band due to ( ( (* transition appears around 180nm and is most intense, i.e. the value of extinction coefficient is high.  

n ( (*: In this type of transition an electron of unshared electron pair on hetero atom gets excited to (* antibonding orbital. This type of transition requires least amount of energy out of all the transition and hence occurs at longer wavelength. Saturated aldehydes show both the types of transitions, i.e. low energy n ( (* and high energy ( ( (* occurring around 290nm and 180nm respectively.    


Increasing Energy
n ( (*
In carbonyl compounds

n ( (*
In oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and halogen compounds

( ( (*
In alkenes, carbonyl compounds, alkynes, azo compounds etc.

( ( (*
In carbonyl compounds.

( ( (*
In alkanes.


The modern ultra-violet visible spectrometers consist of: ------

Light source
Amplifier and
Recording device.

The most suitable sources of light are:

Tungsten filament lamp: Tungsten filament lamp is particularly rich in red radiations, i.e. radiations with wavelength 375nm.
Deuterium discharge lamp: The intensity of the deuterium discharge source falls above 360nm.

The primary source of light is divided into two beams of equal intensity with the help of a rotating prism. The various wavelengths of a light source are separated with a prism and then selected by slits for recording purposes. The selected beam is monochromatic which is then divided into two beams of equal intensity. Light from the first dispersion is passed through a slit and then sent to the second dispersion. After the second dispersion, light passes through the exit slit result in increase the band width of the emergent light which is almost monochromatic.

One of the beams of selected monochromatic light is passed through the sample solution and the other beam of equal intensity is passed through the reference solvent. The solvent as well as solution of the sample may be contained in cells made of a material which is transparent. Each absorbance measurement on the solution is accompanied by a simultaneous measurement on the pure solvent.

After the beams pass through the sample cell as well as the reference cell, the intensities of the respective transmitted beams are then compared over the whole wavelength range of the instrument. The spectrometer electronically subtracts the absorption of the solvent in the reference beam from the absorption of the solution. Hence the effects due to the absorption of light by the solvent are minimized.

In this way, the absorbance or the transmittance characteristic of the compound alone can be measured. The signal for the intensity of absorbance Vs corresponding wavelength is automatically recorded on the graph. The spectrum is usually plotted as absorbance A (log10 I0/I) against wavelength ( (abscissa). The plot is often represented as (mas (Extinction coefficient) against wavelength.    

Beers and Lambert’s Law

When light (monochromatic or heterogenous) fall upon a homogenous medium, a portion of the incident light is reflected, a portion is absorbed within the medium and the remainder is transmitted.
The change of absorption of light with the thickness and concentration of the medium is described by Beer’s and Lambert’s Law (a combination of two laws).

Lambert’s Law:

This law relates the absorptive capacity to the thickness of the absorbing medium. According to this law: ------

“When a monochromatic radiation or light passes through a homogenous transparent medium the rate of decrease of intensity of radiation with the thickness of the absorbing medium is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light.”

Mathematically, the law is expressed as: ---------
(- ve) sign indicates, the intensity of the incident light decreases as the thickness of the medium increases.
I = intensity of radiation after passing through a thickness x, of the medium.
dI = Infinitesimally small decrease in the intensity of radiation on passing through infinitesimally small thickness dx, of the medium.
dI/dx = The rate of decrease of intensity of radiation with  the thickness of the medium.
K1 = Proportionality constant or Absorption coefficient.

By changing the variable, we get: ----------
Integrating this equation between the limits “I0 to It” and “0 to x”, we get: ----------

Beer’s Law:

This law relates absorptive capacity to the concentration of the solute in the solvent. According to the law: ------

“When a monochromatic radiation or light passes through a homogenous transparent medium the rate of decrease of intensity of radiation with the concentration of the solute in that system is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light.”

Mathematically, the law is expressed as: ---------
(- ve) sing indicates, the intensity of the incident light decreases as the thickness of the medium increases.
Intensity of the radiation dI decreases as it passes through each increase of concentration dc..
K2 = Proportionality constant or Absorption coefficient.

By changing the variable, we get: ----------
Integrating this equation between the limits “I0 to It” and “0 to c”, we get: ----------

Combine the equations (1) and (2) we get: ---------
Where, K = a new constant which is equal to absorptivity and denoted by “a”
log I0/It is termed as absorbance and denoted by “A”. Therefore we can rewrite the equation as follows: -----
If “x” thickness is constant this equation represents a equation of straight line (y = mx) which passes through the origin and slop of which is equal to ac.

Beer’s – Lambert’s Law applies to a solution containing more than one kind of absorbing substances, provided there is no interaction among the various species. Thus for a multiple component system: ------------
Where, the subscripts refer to absorbing components 1,2, -----------------,n.

Transmittance “T”: Transmittance is the quotient of the radiant power It transmitted by a sample divided by the radiant power I0 incident upon the sample. The percent transmittance (%T) is equal to 100(
[T = It/I0].

Abosrptivity “a”: Absorptivity is the quotient of the absorbance (A) divided by the concentration (C) of the solution (gm/liter) and the absorption path length (l) in centimeter. We know: ------
The absorptivity values vary with the wavelength of the incident energy. However at a specified wavelength the absorptivity value for a drug is a constant if Beer’s Law is obeyed. 
Molar absorptivity “(”: Molar absorptivity is the quotient of the absorbance divided by the concentration (c) of the solution (moles/liter) and the absorption path length (l) in cm. it is also the product of the absorptivity and the molecular weight (M) of the substance. 

The molar absorptivity (() is a property of the molecule undergoing an electronic transition.
“(” signifies the light absorption capacity of molecules. “(” is directly proportional to the light absorption capacity of molecules.
“(” is an identifying character of a molecule.
The following equation gives the relationship of “(” with absorbance (A) and concentration (c).  

Limitation of the Beer’s – Lambert’s Law

The limitations are due to the nature of the solution being examined. Others are due to chemical changes in the solution or to the type of radiant energy used in the measurement process.

Actual limitation:

If interaction occurs at higher concentration (( 0.01M) Beer’s – Lambert’s Law will not be obeyed. Because at higher concentrations the charge distribution on the molecule.
Since the absorptivity “a” is dependent upon the refractive index of the solution, changes of concentration cause significant alteration in the refractive index “n” of a solution result in Beer’s – Lambert’s Law deviation. A correction for this effect can be made by the multiplication of absorptivity value (a) by n/(n+2)2.
The beer’s – Lambert’s Law is rigorously obeyed when a single species gives rise to the observed absorption.

Chemical limitations: The Beer’s – Lambert’s Law may not be obeyed: ------

When different forms of the absorbing molecule are in equilibrium.
When the solute in the solution ay associate, dissociate or react with the solvent.
When there is thermal equilibrium between the ground electronic state and a low lying excited state.
When there one fluorescent compound or compounds which are changed by irradiation.
Since the molar absorptivity values for the dichromate ion and the two chromate species are different at the wavelength of maximum absorption. Chromate solutions, when diluted with H2O deviate from
Beer’s – Lambert’s Law.
Instrumental deviation: Beer’s law is observed only when the radiation employed is monochromatic. Polychromatic beam may cause deviation from Beer’s law. All spectrophotometers isolate theoretically, the wavelength specified on the scale of the monochromator. However under actual operating condition, solutions are exposed to several wavelength of radiant energy. 

Deviation caused by the solvent effects: The absorption spectrum of a drug depends on the solvent used to solubilize the substance. A drug may absorb a maximum of radiant energy at one wavelength in one solvent but will absorb little at he same wavelength in another solvent. These changes in spectrum are due to: ------

The nature of the solvent
The nature of the absorption
The nature of the solute


A chromophore is a group which when attached to a saturated hydrocarbon, produce a molecule that absorbs a maximum of visible or ultraviolet energy at some specific wavelength.

Many molecules may contain two or more chromophores. The interaction of radiant energy with the molecule then depends upon the relative positions of the two chromophores in the molecule.

When two chromophores are separated by more than one carbon atom, total absorption is the sum of the absorption of each of the two chromophores.
When two chromophores are adjacent to each other, the absorption maximum shift to longer wavelength and the intensity of absorption is increased.
When two chromophores are attached to the same carbon atom, there is a summation of absorption and a shift toward longer wavelength, but the degree of change is less than that shown by conjugated coromophores.


Chromophores are classified into two groups according to their molar absorptivity value and formation of bands: -

Simple: The simple chromophores give rise to R bands and the molar absorptivity value for this type of band is usually less than 100.
Complex: There are two kinds of complex chromophores.

The first type is found in aromatic compounds whose structure contain a benzene ring. These chromophores give rise to B bands and the molar absorptivity values for these bands range from 250 – 3000.
The second type has the following formula: [A – (CH=CH)n – CH=B]
            Where A = H, R, OR, SR, NR2, O-,S- or –NR and B = CH2CHR, CR2, NR, O, S, +NR2, +OR & +SR. theses chromophores give rise to K bands. The molar absorptivity values for these bands are more than 10,000.

Chromophores are further divided into two groups according to their transition states: -------

First type: This type of chromophores contain ( electrons and undergo ( ( (* transition. Eg. Ethylene.
Second type: This type of chromophores contain both ( and n (nonbonding) electron and undergo two types of transitions i.e. n ( (* and ( ( (*. Eg. Carbonyl, Azo compounds and Nitriles etc.

An auxochrome is a group which does not itself act as a chromophore but whose present brings about a shift of the absorption band towards the red end of the spectrum.

An suxochromic group is called color enhancing group.
Auxochromic group do not show characteristic absorption above 200nm
The effect of the auxochrome is due to its ability to extend the conjugation of a chromophore by the sharing of non-bonding electrons.
Example: - OH, - OR, - NH2, - NHR, - NR and - SH.

Bathochromic shift:

It is an effect by virtue of which the absorption maximum is shifted towards longer wavelength due to the presence of an auxochrome or by the change of solvent. Such an absorption shift towards longer wavelength is called “Red shift” or “Bathochromic shift.”

Example: The n ( (* transition for carbonyl compounds undergoes bathochromic shift when the polarity of the solvent is decreased.

Hypsochromic shift:

It is an effect by virtue of which the absorption maximum is shifted towards shorter wavelength. The absorption shift towards shorter wavelength is called “Blue shift” or “Hypsochromic shift”.

Causes: It may occur

By the removal of conjugation
By changing the polarity of the solvent.

Example: In the case of aniline, the absorption maximum occurs at 280nm because the pair of electrons on nitrogen atom is in conjugation with the ( bond system of the benzene ring. In its acidic solution a blue shift is caused and absorption occurs at shorter wavelength (203nm). In acidic solution                   is formed and the electron pair is no longer present and hence conjugation is removed.

Hyperchromic shift:

It is an effect due to which the intensity of absorption maximum increases i.e. (max increases. It is usually caused by the introduction of an auxochrome. Example: The B band for pyridine at 257nm (max 2750 is shifted to 262nm (max 3560 for 2-methyl pyridine.

Hypochromic shift:

It is an effect due to which the intensity of absorption maximum decreases, i.e. extinction coefficient (max decreases. It is usually caused by the introduction of a group which distorts the geometry of the molecule. Example: Biphenyl absorbs at 250nm, (max19000 whereas 2-methyl biphenyl absorbs at 237nm, (max 10250. It is due to the distortion caused by the methyl group in 2-methyl biphenyl.   

Types of absorption band:

K – band: K – bands originate from a compound containing a conjugated system. Such type of bands arises in compounds like: ---- dienes, polyeness, enones etc. K – bands also appear in an aromatic compound which is substituted by a chromophore. The intensity of K – bands is usually more than 104. The K – bands absorption due to conjugated “enes” and “enones” are affected differently by changing the polarity of the solvent.

R – band: R – bands originate due to n ( (* transition of a single chromophoric group and having at least one lone pair of electrons on the hetero atom. R – bands are also called forbidden bands. There are les intense with (max value below 100.

B – band: B – bands originate due to ( ( (* transition in aromatic or hetero aromatic molecules. When a chromophoric group is attached to the benzene ring the B – bands are observed at longer wave lengths than the more intense K – bands. For example, K – bands appears at 244nm, (max 12000 and B – bands at 282nm, (max 450.  The fine spectrum of B – bands may be missing in case of: -------

Substituted aromatic compounds
By the use of polar solvent.

E – band: E – bands originate due to the electronic transitions in the benzenoid system of three ethylenic bonds which are in closed cyclic conjugation. These are further characterized as1 and E2. E1 and E2 bands of benzene appear at 184 and 204nm respectively.  

Some terms and their brief description:

Radiant energy: Radiant energy is the energy transmitted as electromagnetic radiation. The sun is out most important source of radiant energy. Absorption spectrophotometry is the measurement of the absorption of radiant energy by various substances.

Wavelength: The wavelength is the linear distance from any point on one wave to the corresponding point on the adjacent wave. The dimension of wavelength is length (l). It is mentioned by the Greek letter lambda ((). Wavelength can be expressed in centimeter (cm) or more commonly in the following units.

1 angstrom (A0) = 10-8cm = 10-10m.
1 nanometer (nm) = 10-9m = 10-7cm = 1m( = 10A0
1 micrometer ((m) = 10-6m = 10-4cm = 1micron (().
Frequency: Frequency, denoted by ( (nu), of a beam is the number of cycles occurring per second. The usual unit of it is sec-1 which may also be denoted by cycles per second (CPS) or hertz (Hz). The relationship between the wavelength (in cm) and frequency is stated mathematically as: -------

Wave number: Wave number that is signified by Greek letter sigma ((), is the reciprocal of wavelength (when wavelength is expressed in cm). It dimension is therefore reciprocal length (l-1) and its unit is cm-1. The relationship between wave number and wavelength could be expressed mathematically as: ------

The electromagnetic spectrum

The range of spectropic interest

Approx. wavelength range (cm)
Region of spectrum

Wavelength region

10-12 – 10-11
Cosmic rays

Far ultraviolet
100 – 200nm

10-11 – 10-8
Gamma rays

200 – 400nm

10-8 – 10-6
X – rays

400 – 750nm

10-6 – 10-5

Near infrared
0.75 – 4(m

10-5 – 10-4

4 - 25(m

10-4 – 10-2

10-2 – 10

10 – 108
Radio frequency

Correlation of color with wavelength of visible light

Wavelength (nm)

Wavelength (nm)

400 – 450

575 – 590

450 – 480

590 – 625

480 – 490
Green blue

625 – 750

500 – 560

Concentration determination of unknown solution:

If a compound follows the Beer’s – Lambert’s Law then its concentration in a supplied sample could be known from the calibration curve drawn for the various strength reference standard solution of that compound. Calibration curve of the Beer’s – Lambert’s Law means the curve in which absorbance or percent transmittance is plotted against concentration. If a compound follows the Beer’s – Lambert’s Law the calibration curve for this compound shows a straight line going through the origin.


In this process the following steps should be operated for getting the concentration of the supplied sample: -----

To prepare a solution of concentration ( 0.01M by authentic sample of which concentration is to be determined by using a suitable optically transparent solvent.

Then (max for the compound must be determined and to ensure 100% transmittance at (max for the using solvent.   

Various strength of the reference standard solution of that compound is made by dilution. Eg. 10(g/ml, 20(g/ml, 30(g/ml ---------- 100(g/ml.

Now the absorption or percent transmittance for these various strength in the (max is measured.

These measured absorption or % transmittance are plotted against concentration of the reference standard solution and draw the “A vs c” curve.  

If the curve gives a straight line going through the origin we could understand that the compound follows the Beer’s – Lambert’s Law.

Then the unknown sample with proper dilution is supplied in curette to measure the absorption or % transmittance in the (max. This value will indicate a point on the straight line drawn for the reference standard solution.

Now a horizontal line drawn from this point, situated on straight line, on the Y-axis of concentration axis of the curve will show the concentration of the compound of the supplied sample.
Finally, the determined concentration is multiplied by the dilution factor and thus the actual concentration is measured. 

Choice of solvent:

The choice of solvent to be used in ultraviolet spectroscopy is quite important: -----------

The first criterion for a good solvent is that it should not absorb ultraviolet radiation in the same region as the substance whose spectrum is being determined. Usually solvents which do not contain conjugated system are most suitable for this purpose.

A second criterion is the effect of polar and non polar solvent on the fine structure of an absorption band. A non polar solvent does not hydrogen bond with the solute and the spectrum of the solute closely approximates what it would be in a gaseous state. In a polar solvent the hydrogen bonding form a solute solvent complex and the fine structure may disappear.

The third property of a solvent which must be considered is the ability of a solvent to influence the wavelength of ultraviolet light which will be absorbed.

The polar solvents may not from hydrogen bond as readily with excited states as with ground states of polar molecules and the energies of electronic transitions in this molecules will be increased by this polar solvents.  Transition of the n ( (* type are shifted to shorter wavelength by polar solvent.

On the otherhand, in some cases the excited states may form stronger hydrogen bonds than the corresponding ground states. In such cases, a polar solvent would shift absorption to longer wavelength, since the energy of the electronic transition would be decreased. Transition of the ( ( (* type are shifted to longer wavelength by polar solvents. Thus it has been found that increase in polarity of the solvent generally shifts
n ( (* and n ( (* bands to shorter wavelength and ( ( (* bands to longer wavelength.

Solvent must not contain trace impurities. Many impurities (eg. Benzene in absolute alcohol) absorb radiant energy and complicate the analysis. 

PH of the solvent: PH has a noticeable effect on absorption spectrum. This can be described by the following example: -----

In 1N HCl solution, sulfonamides absorb little of the radiant energy above 230nm. The auxochrome under this condition is – +NH3. But in 1N NaOH solution, a more efficient auxochrome is formed (- NH2) and the substance now exhibits an absorption maximum at 251nm. Buffer that used in this condition must transmit ultraviolet energy if they are to be used for the determination of the spectral characteristics of drugs.

Formation of tautomeric forms: Under acidic condition, Phenobarbital does not absorb ultraviolet energy, to a significant degree of 240nm. The tautomeric forms of Phenobarbital are shown in the following equation.
Under alkaline conditions, the chromophoric systems are                       . At a PH 9, a high intensity absorption band may be observed at 240nm. However, in 0.1N NaOH this band appears at 255nm. 
Questions: Theoretically there should be sharp band in UV spectroscopy, but practically, broad bands are absorbed. Why?


Nature is very specific, if a molecule absorbs UV radiation it usually causes electronic transition. In this case, the molecule absorbs radiation of a particular wavelength. So the UV spectrum should contain a sharp band.
But at normal conditions, UV radiation causes vibrational and/or rotational transitions too. So molecules usually absorbed radiation at a relatively wide range. That is why, a broad band is observed. 

Questions: What is the effect of increasing the number of double bonds of compounds on its UV-Visible spectrum?


Compounds having double or triple bonds contain electrons which are excited relatively easily. In molecules containing a series of alternating double bonds, the ( electrons are delocalized and require less energy for excitation. So that the absorption occurs into higher wavelengths. When there are more conjugation the compound will absorb less energy radiation.

So the effect of increasing number of double bonds of a compound on its UV-Visible spectrum is increasing the absorption characteristics more easily will less energy.   

Questions: What is the effect of chromophore on absorption of spectrum?


The chromophore is a functional group which has a characteristics absorption spectrum in the visible or UV region. Such groups invariably contain double or triple bonds and include the C=C linkage. The C(C triples bonds, the nitrogroup, the azo group, the carbonyl group.

If the chromophore is conjugated with another of the same or different kind, then the absorption is enhanced and a new absorption band appears at a higher wavelength.      

Difference between chromophore and auxochrome


A chromophore is a group which attached to the saturated hydrocarbon.
Auxochrome are either co-coordinately saturated or co-coordinately unsaturated.

It shows a characteristic absorption in UV or Visible region. 
It does not show a characteristic absorption in UV or Visible region.

It is responsible for color imparting to this compound.
It is responsible for color enhancing.

There are two group of chromophore: (1) Simple & (2) Complex
Auxochrome has no classification.

Chromophore may cause either bathochromic or hpsochromic shift, hyperchromic or hypochromic shift.
Auxochrome only show bathochromic and  hyperchromic shift

The range of wavelength of chromophore is 200nm to 800nm
The range of wavelength of auxochrome is below 200nm

It is conjugated with another, same or different kind
It is conjugated by sharing the non bonding electron

Example: carbonyl, azo and nitro group
Example: - OR, - NHR, - NH2 etc.

Application of UV-Visible spectroscopy:

Determination of the drug content in a sample.
Determination of functional group with other methods also.
Extent of conjugation.
Distinction in conjugated and un-conjugated compounds.
Identification of the unknown compound.
Elucidation of the structure of  Vit. A and K.
Preference over two tautomeric forms.
Identification of a compound in different solvents.
Determination of configurations of geometrical isomers.  

Prepared by Md. Badrul Alam (Prince)


 -------------------------- (1)




 = K1




 = K1




 EMBED ChemDraw.Document.5.0 
n ( (*

( ( (*

 EMBED ChemDraw.Document.5.0 
( ( (*

 EMBED ChemDraw.Document.5.0 
Fig: Various electronic transitions 

Fig: Electromagnetic energy levels

n ( (*

n ( (*

( ( (*

( ( (*

( ( (*

a = A/lc

A = alc





Transmitted radiation

Monochromatic radiation






( ( (* ( n ( (* ( ( ( (* ( n ( (*











Fig: Ultra-Violet spectrophotometer.







Rotating prism

Light source

(Wavelength, nm) ((


 EMBED ChemDraw.Document.5.0 
 EMBED ChemDraw.Document.5.0 
Concentration of the supplied sample (diluted)

Absorption for the supplied sample (diluted)

Concentration (c)

Absorbance (A)

( = 1/(

( = Frequency
C = Velocity
( = Wavelength of a radiation

( = C/(




Hypsochromic shift

Bathochromic shift

Hypochromic shift

Hyperchromic shift

 EMBED ChemDraw.Document.5.0 


 = K1







 = K1






 = K1


















 = K2


 -------------------------- (2)



 = K2






 = K2






 = K2






 = K2












 = axc     -------------------------------- (3)




 = Kxc



 Cr2O7-2 + H2O = 2HCrO4- = 2H+ + 2CrO4-

A = (lc
So, “(” can be used in UV – Visible Spectroscopy for the determination of A and/or c.

c = concentration of the solution (moles/liter)
l= length in cm
a = absorptivity
M = molecular weight.

( = a ( M


 = A1 + A2 + ------------ +An
 = a1xc1 + a2xc2 + ----------------- + anxcn

 = axc     -------------------------------- (4)


( = A/lc


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